Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Preschool lunch

Do you remember potato sticks? I used to love potato sticks as a kid. I recently found some at my natural foods store, and thought it would be a fun alternative to chips. My kids happen to love chips. In fact, I don't know anyone who doesn't like potato chips. :)  Are they healthy, certainly not.

However, I do feel it is sometimes okay to indulge in a snack that is tasty, even if it is not healthy.  I try to give my children plenty of nutritious foods, and lots and lots of fruits and veggies to off set the not so healthy foods that they may consume. After all, there will always be a birthday party, or some other event that you child attends where he/she may eat something you wouldn't necessarily  prefer for them to have. Chips are pretty infrequent in our house, actually this container of potato sticks has been in the cupboard for 3 weeks. Once in awhile is okay by me.

Woah, all that over potato sticks. Phew.

Here we have:
 vanilla greek yogurt with frozen blueberries and granola
circle cheese, and potato sticks
turkey with ketchup to dip
chocolate chips for a treat

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